TCA (my initials)

April 15, 2007

crime of the millenium

Filed under: Doodling — TCA @ 6:31 pm

White collar crime at the White House? Scott Horton of Harper’s says that the U.S. Justice Department is “manifesting behavior patterns typical of the worst white-collar criminals.” Maybe Horton is on to something. It’s a shame that the FBI isn’t investigating white collar crime anymore.

An article in The New York Times about a huge business fraud seems strangely relevant. The NYT article quotes a scathing report as saying that Computer Associates (CA) founder and former chairman Charles B. Wang created a “culture of fear.” He “deliberately put inexperienced executives in senior positions so that he would have more control” and “arbitrarily fired managers or employees who disagreed with him.”

Do you hear a bell ringing?

“Fraud pervaded the entire CA organization at every level, and was embedded in CA’s culture,” the report says.

Maybe the high crimes aren’t limited to the Justice Department. Is it not deeply suspicious that $12 billion in cash simply disappeared in Iraq? So far the Bush Administration has only mumbled weak excuses about bad accounting in a half-hearted attempt to explain away what could be the Crime of the Millenium. To make matters worse, the $12 billion could be just the tip of the iceberg.

George W. Bush is a super criminal mastermind? I find that hard to imagine. But it’s easy to imagine that Cheney and Rove are major league bad guys.

A good place to start looking for those planeloads of missing $100 bills is the Republican National Committee. Many of the White House’s daily operations seem to be conducted there.

the tackboard (v.0.1.48)

Filed under: Doodling — TCA @ 3:53 pm

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